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Some sites I like...
Textravaganza Forums
On this site there are discussion forums where I often hang out. There you can discuss pretty much anything you like (spit out what's on your mind, discuss politics and important issues, talk about daily stuff, sports, music, health, share jokes and get support if you need it... it's all there. And in case you're just bored, check out all those silly game threads going on there, read some jokes and stuff or get caught up in the weirdest conversations you've had.

This is the coolest smilie site I've come across so far... it's wicked! Check it out!

A whole bunch of lyrics and easy to find what you're looking for fast...

English Dictionary and Thesaurus
Might come in handy sometimes...

The Hunger Site
By one click you make on this website some companies provide food for starving people. You can click once per day. This website also contains links to The Child Health Site, The Animal Rescue Site, The Rainforest Site and The Breast Cancer Site. Please visit them and click to help!

Icelandic news! LOL, have fun!

Trip to the Ghost Town
This is a very interesting website about the Chernobyl disaster. It's about a biker's trip to the deserted area and includes many incredible photos and information. It's very well worth checking out!

If somebody I know would like me to add a link to their website, let me know.